Monday, February 18, 2013

Diapers & railings

After the Thursday phone call we rushed to see Gabriel Friday morning and were met by a chilled out little baby that seemed to be doing fine.

 He was great all day long with no problems. He's taking the pacifier well which is a good thing since he's been fed via an IV. He is now receiving breast milk through a feeding tube (the orange tube entering his left nostril) which runs down into his duodenum, an NJ line (vs. NG which stops in the stomach but is tough on him due to some acid reflux he is countering with zantac). I am learning so many things I never wanted to know.  Occupational therapy conducted a study and found he wasn't swallowing so well and will work with him next week.
 Beth helping the nurse change a diaper. With any other baby this was dread, but everything we get to do with him is a happy little blessing and a means to touch and connect with him.
 I was taking a breather in the 2nd floor lobby and started to experience "Dali vision." The hospital is built around an open core that has a park on the ground floor and is open to the sky, therefore allowing a great deal of natural light to enter through the many windows. I am looking through the windows on the lobby (east) side at the exterior of the windows on the NICU (west) side reflecting the rooftop handrail.
 A closer view of the image, wasn't just bad mushrooms. Cool how many amazing things are out there when you start paying attention.
A view of the reflected railing from the NICU side. Not so amazing.


Norma from Idaho said...

That's a superb picture of Gabriel with those alert eyes and nice shaped head.

And I love the pictures of the reflected handrail. Even though you were taling reflections, at first glance it looked like they had actually painted a mural on the far wall. It is amazing what we miss when we don't take time to look.

Norma from Idaho said...

You weren't "taling reflections" but talking. Delayed action of the keyboard.